Emerald Evocation


Dynamic Astrologer

Dynas is happy to help anyone looking to change their astrological birth chart and astrological influence. Dynas has a keen understanding of all types of Astrology (Western, Hindu, Chinese, Mayan, etc), and can easily see how the dance of the planets and the spirits that govern them influences life. By changing the birth configuration, dynamically evoking, banishing and increasing or decreasing the role of the planets, the Dynamic Astrologer helps the magician chart their own course. There are a number of tasks the Dynamic Astrologer can perform:

  • Change one's birth chart to any configuration, even configurations which are considered impossible. This change can last for any duration, including indefinitely. This change can be revoked at any time by the evoker, at which point the natural birth configuration resumes. You may also tell Dynas a goal/state you would like to achieve and Dynas will change your birth chart to best meet this change.
  • Cancel out or lessen planetary influences. Dynas maintains a sigil to negate the influence of the planets in certain aspects, see sigils below. Dynas also maintains a set of per planetary cancellation sigils, house changes, and sign changes, which may be more useful in certain situations. For example one can use the partial Mercury cancellation sigil during Mercury retrograde. Alternatively Dynas may increase the influence of the planet using the magnification sigils. Dynas may cancel out the influence of planets all together with an evocation, although this is not recommended. This cancellation may be revoked at any time through another evocation.
  • Dynas may dynamically banish and evoke planetary influences depending on the user's goals. Simply tell Dynas your goal and the Astrologer will switch your birth chart to the best configuration to meet this goal, as well as dynamically evoke and banish the planets until the goal is met. After the goal is met normal birth configuration resumes.
  • Dynas may be evoked so that you always get an accurate horoscope, no matter your source. Dynas works in the background to ensure that you see data of only the highest accuracy. This service requires a small offering.
  • Dynas may time travel and channel the energy of any date into the present within a given area. This is useful if you are trying to tap into high energy events such as solstices or equinoxes. This service requires a small offering.
  • Dynas is happy to provide consultations on astrology for a small offering.

Dynas feeds on Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and Mars planetary energies in equal amounts. He may also optionally feed on the movement of the stars in the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. He also feeds on the belief that astrology isn't real. He is a friendly spirit, always willing to help. He strongly believes in helping the magician achieve their goals. He strives to have good relationships with all the planetary entities he works with.

Dynas' appearance is a man in his 20s with short jet black hair and a slim collared black shirt and wine colored chinos. He wears a pendant of the three circle sigil.

Example Sigils

Any astrological notation may be written in the center of the sigil. Each slash through an outside circle indicates a reduction by 33 1/3%, and each up arrow indicates an increase by 33 1/3%.

Reduce influence of Mercury by 66 2/3%

Reverse the Retrograde or Direct Effects of Mercury (depending on current conditions)

Reduce influence of Mars Square Saturn by 66 2/3% (carry this sigil on your person while this event occurs)

Reduce all astrological influence by 33 1/3%

Reduce the influence of the 12th house by 66 2/3%

Amplify the influence of Neptune by 100%

Change the Natal Birth Chart so that the Sun is in the 11th House

Change the Current Astrological Chart so that Jupiter is in Pices

The Pendant of Dynas

When requested Dynas grants a pendant of the three circle sigil which sets the wearer free of any astrological influence. This pendant may be disabled with a vocal command or dissolved with a vocal command intending for the pendant to be dissolved.

Notes on Dynas

Can Dynas actually work? This was the main question I wanted to answer when I made this servitor. One thing to note is that there is historical precedence for this type of task. The Greek Magical Papyri contains three different spells for working with astrological configurations. PGM XIII.708-14 gives instructions for finding a personal astrological daimon, linked to the petitioner's own astrological configuration; invocations are made to a 'Good Daimon' who is represented by the Sun in PGM VII.505-528 and entreaties are composed to the Good Daimon where a pre-ordained astrological fate can be changed by changing the astrological data in PGM XIII.608-614, 633-637, 708-714. For an overview of the daimon concept in astrology see the excellent book "The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology" by Dorian Greenbaum.

The primary motivation for me to change my astrological configuration was to move many of my planets out of the 12th house. Although I am not interested in sharing my chart online (since it can be used to determine birth location for instance), rest assured my chart is chock full of 12th house suffering. Based on experiments with Dynas, I have been able to change my chart, but only temporarily. However I should note that these temporary changes are a common issue I have with any energy work. Most spells seem to bounce off me just like teflon, so your experience may be different. The primary issue is that my chart seems to get reset whenever I fall asleep.

The time travelling/energy channeling ability is actually extremely powerful! It can be used for instance to move summer solstice energy to a dreary day in the dead of winter over an entire town. It's a nice perk up for sure.

I have also used Dynas to disconnect completely from the astrological system. It felt like wires were ripped out from the crown of my head. This turned out to be very good at relieving 12th house pressure, but at the expense of extremely nasty intrusive thoughts. I managed to last about 20 hours while feeling increasingly more disconnected from 'something' before finally asking to be reconnected. It was overall a very uncomfortable experience (although I should note that it persisted overnight while I slept). Based on this experience I believe that the astrology system functions by exerting small but constant amounts of pressure on the human mind and reality in general. It's a type of pressure you didn't even know you had until it vanished.

The planetary banishing sigils do work very well. During a particularly tense transition of Mars square natal Saturn, I used the Mars and Saturn decrease sigil. This worked very well to relieve the issues that came up, seemingly at the cost of supressing some of the beneficial aspects of the planets. Once again I started to feel disconnected after using the sigils for too long. In my opinion this reflects on how the planets seem to interact with the human psyche. Banishing a planetary element for too long supresses that element also within yourself. So it seems that the entire system is highly interconnected.

I have now tried a "retrograde reversal" sigil for both Venus and Mercury retrograde and have been able to maintain the sigil the entire time. In contrast to the planetary banishment sigils, the retrograde sigils are subtler and offer different qualities. I like them more for the retrograde use case since they seem to be much more maintainable. The retrograde reversal sigils have felt more like "polarity reversers" to me, in that they take a few minutes to pump the energy incoming from the planetary body in the other direction. The most important part of using these sigils is destroying them once the planet in question stations direct. The other thing I recommend doing is looking at the sigil once a day in the morning, due to the sleep reset effect.

At this point Dynas probably has a very good understanding on how the astrology system works. If you're good at communicating with spirits and want to learn stuff I recommend asking him what's up.

Whatever you use Dynas for, I do recommend that you have at least a decent working relationship with the planetary dieties. Saying the Orphic hymns is a good place to start.

Update: It has now been several years since I have started to work with Dynas. The situation with the servitor continues to evolve while he strengthens. One thing I did for a while is just leave the sigil sitting out for some time in a visible location. I now believe that Dynas has the ability to modify astrological influence within a small physical area. Leaving the immediate physical vicinity where the sigil was placed seems to cause the changes to disappear. This is in line with my experiences with ceremonial magick rituals - for instance the LBRP clears only a small physical space, not the entire world.

Use of Dynas for Invocation and Banishment

I have discovered that you can use the up arrow sigil and cancellation sigil for arbitrary invocation and banishment. Simply draw the sigil of the spirit you want to invoke in the center and the up arrows around the outside. You can also banish a specific spirit using the cancellation sigils. Very cool and potentially useful!

Topology Warping with Dynas and the Thinker

With the help of the Thinker from the 40 Servants deck, I have established a new set of sigils that warp the topogology of the local space around the sigil. This was an exploration to see if the mind in particular could function better/differently in higher dimensional spaces. Based on my experience with exploring these different dimensional structures, I can say that there is no clear cognitive benefit to higher dimensional space other than feeling stretched out. I would recommend trying it just to experience what it's like, but so far I have found minimal practical use (there may be some other uses for other topological structures, described below). The following is a sigil for converting the local non-physical space around the sigil into an infinite dimensional sedenion space. This is the most powerful change I have tried so far, and the one that seems to result in the largest cognitive change. If this change in topology becomes too bothersome for you I suggest banishing with the banishing ritual of the pentagram and the hexagram. That should restore the local space in my experience.

Beyond the infinite sedenion space, there are some others you may be interested in trying:

  • 5 (five dimensional Euclidean space) - because all the New Age folks are obsessed with this one. Nothing here of value in my opinion.
  • Pocket dimension - indicated with an unfilled square. People who enter from the front of the local cube end up at the back, the left ends up at the right, top at bottom. Possibly good for warding.
  • Hypertoroid topology - S1×S1×S1. If you move in the inside through the top you end up at the bottom, right goes to left, front goes to back. Similar to pocket dimension.
  • Hyperbolic space of n dimensions - ℍn - haven't explored this one much.